2000-10-05 || 16:18:04

|| ho hum. heavy on the ho. ||

the internet connection has been down all morning so i have given up all hope and have been writing emails and quietly tucking them away in my draft folder. i really hate how i've become so dependent on the internet that when it doesn't work it feels like the sun has just fallen out of the sky. i'm floundering here at my little desk. i'm drinking seven-up like it's nobody's business. i'm thinking of switching to mass amounts of mountain dew to combat the zombie effects of my staying up so late the past three nights. but i don't drink mountain dew. this is because a) someone told me this joke in third grade: what do you call the sweat between dolly parton's boobs? mountain dew... (and i've never been able to look at the stuff the same way again. and it looks like anti-freeze or some kind of car fluid.) and b) i was on a one-woman boycott of mountian dew because of that marketing campaign that started the whole exxxtreme food/drink/video game/denture cream kick that included no girls. it hurt my feelings.

le tigre played last night. it was so exciting and so short. i decided kathleen hanna is one of those girls in high school i was in awe of, thought was deadly cool but was deadly afraid of. the kind of girl that would be standing in front of the mirror in the girl's restroom while i walked to the sink, blushing like mad and scared to death she would talk to me. she's hot. she doesn't take any shit. i just don't know how to handle that.

i feel like dancing. it's the caffeine. it's hard being at work when you feel like dancing. there's usually no music and people look at you funny when you're trying your hardest to dance in the space between desks and chairs and the copy machine.


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