2002-04-07 || 9:40 p.m.

|| sunday. oh. ||

some days are so. unglamorous. you wake up early from the cat harrassing (really, it's become quite a problem. thinking of pitching a tent for the sake of the zipper, for the sake of a working barrier, if not for disastrous combination of catclaws and nylon) and change clocks, make coffee, write to boyfriend who has not been properly acknowledging your incredibly charming faraway emails. you listen to the radio and make coffee, take a shower, brush teeth to take away that night before feeling. you try on a dress, sew at it a bit, rip at the seams quietly, beatifically, sew it again, iron it so that it lays. flat. you look at the art supplies you bought yesterday. you fold various sweaters and shove them in drawers. you go out to get lunch, bring it back, eat it too fast and throw half of it away. you watch the poseidon adventure distractedly, noting the awkward editing for commercials. you decide you really should go to the grocery store as there is nothing to eat, nothing to drink, but pace back and forth trying to decide which grocery store to go to (you do this. you know that feeling. the same feeling as trying on no less than three different sweaters for outing to said grocery store.) you realize how silly it is, get in the car, and promptly take a right turn rather than the left. you take the long way to the less flashy grocery store, the inevitably crowded stifling one where you want to abandon your cart and run out the sliding doors. you pass aisles so as not to have to say 'excuse me.' you don't buy soda like you meant to because there are too many people in that aisle and again, you have a problem with talking today. you bring the cart to the front. you buy a trashy magazine impulsively because you have extra money in your pocket. and batteries. you notice you are hunching your shoulders in that defensive shy way as the checker talks over your shoulder to the next checker about the awful music. you step to the right so that you do not impede his words. you take your receipt and push your cart outside. you get home. you put away groceries, remember at least three items you forgot to buy. you let the cat chew at the plastic bags. you decide to bake cookies for dinner.

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