2003-08-08 || 5:28 p.m.

|| 27 years, one month, 7 days. ||

we're walking down the street, she in my t-shirt and i in her too small sweater, and i am trying to explain the significance of my being the exact same age minus 3 days as our mother the day she got married. 'how did you even figure that out? how do you know these things?' she says, waving her arms around, squinting behind her sunglasses. i realize the fold-out timeline i keep stuffed in my head didn't come with her model, only mine. and the dewey decimal system of important dates/significant ages/areas of birth life events schooling. and the obsessive sentimentality that has me framing old pictures and calculating dates and ages and whether or not our parents would be friends of ours if the universe collapsed a little.

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