2004-06-21 || 6:03 p.m.

|| seattle: satan's little hut. ||

1. joe and owen and i on a plane to seattle. an amp wedged under owen's seat and a casio surreptitiously stowed between joe's and mine. i can't hear on planes because of all the ear popping, so apparently the majority of the back half of the 747 heard owen's and my theory about the oil tanker in the sky. and why volcanos are awesome. and how the 'weather beacon' and 'stock market orb' found in the sky mall catalog are so very righteous. and fighting over the crossword puzzle (post script: owen, next time i expect you to give me proper props and amazement when you say 'i hate that you're left handed' and i switch hands and start writing right-handed like it's no big thing. do you remember that part? the perfectly executed G's and B's? yeah.-j.h.). and my fear of ordering drinks on planes because i don't like the idea of flying next to an open container of liquid. joe sat behind us and every once in a while we peeked over the tops of our seats. he had the same expression as the man sitting with us in our aisle. not much love on flight 459.

2. driving in a full car to shorty's with the most beloved karen and bryan. pinball and sweaty booths and hot dogs and daiquiris from a slurpee machine. marveling over how damn hot it was in seattle and how damn cute everyone is. it started raining on our way back up the hill. we kept the window down and there was a very sloppy rendition of an elvis costello song whose name eludes me now.

3. we cried over the gorillas at the woodland park zoo while owen was recording in a tiny lime green bedroom on 14th st. pre-evening garden party by way of satellite radio and margaritas. we all met up for the casiotone show and stumbled upon all sorts of friends from faraway places, hooray. we snuck to a bar for a beer mid-show. while workin the merch table a boy gave me a piece of cake and a girl kissed me in exchange for a casiotone button.

4. breakfast in the back patio at linda's. making a group trek to the value village to try on wedding dresses over t-shirts with amelia and look for good books with karen and lucas and joe. later feeling tired and grumbly from the combination of the heat and lack of open-able windows. watching pippi longstocking movies so that joe could learn all the lyrics. i walked to jherek's house armed with a flask of tequila to fight the vocal jitters: across broadway to the most beautiful houses and hydrangeas and the friendliest neighborhood cats. singing the chorus over and over to prepare for back-up debut. recording studio: tiny bedroom no fan no open window no radio, just a fancy microphone and headphones and every attempt to block out the construction noises outside. owen sat to the right and jherek at the computer and i stared at the window pretending to be singing in my car. it wasn't so bad and amounts to 6.7 seconds of vocals. finishing up and walking down pine with j and o to see jamie at the record store show, stopping along the way to say hello in front of cha cha and on corners, falling back in role as shy sidekick. in-store performance fogging up the windows and us peering inside. trying not to stare at seattle crush in the fancy pants and shoes among cute cute kids. taking notes. owen and i ate taco salads at bimbo's, where o perfected his corona/lime/salt technique. walking back to bryan and karen's to find it's 9:30 and still sunny, singing and tripping over roots of ancient trees and looking in lit windows and finding tiny shops and old old apartment buildings and getting lost in capitol hill. finding the house with the pink canopies full of the lovelies, filling up on ice cream and magic shell and listening to that part in stairway to heaven backwards, 'here's to you my sweet satan' and satan's toolshed (not satan's little hut, as first believed)and all that. walking in a gang past night flower smells and throngs of 'sex nerds' (ask karen and bryan.) to the karaoke bar serving the world's very worst vodka tonics. skipping over to the movie theater to say goodbye to those heading in for princess mononoke midnight showing, sitting with sam and owen outside to sing and watch buses go by.

5. we took two-hour cat naps and piled our bags in the car. six o'clock sight seeing of volcanoes and practice spaces and sports arenas and sex shops on the way to the airport. getting dirty looks for being altogether too cheery for early morning check-in/security lines, running up the escalator and across the terminal to get on the plane at the very last minute.

6. siiiiiigh.

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