2007-08-24 || 1:29 a.m.

|| i can't keep up with the likes of them. ||


i am still drunk after two hours of sleeping and
six hours after sitting in a bar with two tough new york girls who marveled at the price of shots in portland and accessorized their t-shirts with big necklaces and sunglasses seen on the hit night-time soap opera dallas. i felt too clean and was wearing too much white and pattern my sense of style after a completely different decade and tried not to say "wow" too much or too enthusiastically in a way that would embarrass them.

when we walked home one of them kissed me on the cheek but it didn't quite land, and i thought of how in that situation you think of picking it up off asphalt and putting it in your pocket but it was fake and dissolved on the way to the ground any way.

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