2000-11-23 || 16:47:42

|| and what if we did kick the frozen turkey around like a soccer ball? ||

it took us twelve hours to wind our way down the length of california last night. in the first six hours (minus a chunk of time for me to get off the freeway just outside san jose unable to speak because i had to pee so badly.. i swear my life was passing before my eyes and when i flushed the toilet god smiled at me from the toilet bowl.) we covered only 75 miles. the rest merged in and out of memory. it's funny how long stretches of highway can make you forget, hypnotized by straight lines and lights that drone on into outer space.

my favorite part though was driving through gilroy and listening to the music from disneyland tape. i completely lost my business when the electric light parade song came on (this reminds me that i must tell you all about my disneyland past. it is pathetic, i do realize, but i've been meaning to write about it for awhile... i would do it right here in this ambitious set of parentheses but there is a cat on my lap whose head is balanced gingerly on my left wrist, making it rather difficult to type. and i'm finding i am writing like a different girl right now and i don't like it one bit ((because i am at my parent's house? because i am using their computer? because my mother keeps coming down to look over my shoulder as i type? because olive is being so cuddly and sweet here on my lap? because i rilllly need to smoke right now but don't want to give away my secret?? and am worried they'll smell the smoke/guilt on me? even though i am 24 years old and one independent lady?)) jeez. i gotta stop this.)

i'll write later, in the wee hours.

happy happy super special thursday. xoxo

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