2001-02-23 || 2:21 pm

|| beat happening phantom box set ||

oh beat happening, why won't you hurry up already and give me your box set. you have promised since last year and still my mail box is empty. i want all your songs in one spot. i want to listen to them with all the modern conveniences, on my headphones at work, in the car, on my stereo at home with one busted speaker (curses on the cats that have chewed through the wires. curses on the roommate that kicked the delicate membrane of the speaker at our house party. curses on the bands that use more than one channel for the vocal tracks on their records. quasi, you are cursed.) i want a nice booklet full of pictures that i can photocopy and put up on my cubicle walls. on my refrigerator. in the bathroom above the toilet paper holder. maybe on the shower curtain (calvin. in my shower.). i want a picture for my wallet, laminated. aline used to laminate silly pictures and put them in her wallet. i want a picture of calvin and heather and brent filed alongside five dollar bills and cookie fortunes and the birth certificate that is getting more and more ragged since its use in canada.

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