2001-04-23 || 12:29 p.m.

|| two more months, rah rah rah ||

oh my. my face. is so hot. burny.


the heat is a-radiatin, i say.

summer is coming. i wore sandals yesterday, look out. and walking out of long life vegi-house (it was owen's birthday. owen's birthday, everybody! we ate vegi-meat until our faces turned the contented hue of wheat gluten. owen. jason. michael. me. four corners making the hottest square this side of university avenue), passing the crafty window display of the hardware store, linking arms and lighting cigarettes, you could feel it: the summer creeping in. stop on the sidewalk and close your eyes for a minute. can you feel it? it is after-dinner time and still light out. we're not wearing sweaters. there are birdsounds and peoplesounds and the streetlights haven't even come on yet.

i am itching to count to one-hundred, start up a game of hide and go seek, take off my shoes and swing from trees.

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