2001-04-27 || 11:19 a.m.

|| tent hings on friday that aren't very important. ||

[this is where a really nice entry would go, if only i could think of something good to write about. my head is full of survivor, josie and the pussycats (ack.) ,the way my boy called me kitten this morning, and the sneaking suspicion that i have given myself a really really dumb haircut.]


1. 'she looks like Mama Fratelli.' most people would not take this as a compliment. once i dressed up as mama fratelli for an 80's new year's party, but no one knew who the hell i was.

2. i thought of the best movie idea but don't think i could ever get it finished by the deadline. to be filmed in the upstairs ladies restroom of the albany theater (because it is bright with pretty pink tile and haunted and i know everyone at the albany so i wouldn't get yelled at): i walk to the mirror and wash my hands and look up (the camera is from the mirror's perspective. that means the person filming this is sitting against the mirror, squished up on the counter or in the sink, hem.) and start fixin my hair or somethin. then owen walks over and starts checkin himself out in the mirror, then michael, then jason. we're all primping it up in the ladies restroom, applying chapstick, fixing our hair, straightening our ties, and then we just kind of walk out.

okay. so maybe it doesn't sound so good. i just thought it would be kinda funny because all my friends are boys here and we're hanging out in the ladies restroom. see? funny.

i just want to get those boys on film with me. somehow.

3. we really need to get the kmart portrait done.

4. the boyfriends stealers will now only perform in matching outfits. owen and i both have the grey levi's actionslacks, red collared shirts, navy blue sweaters, black glasses, black jack purcell's. maybe we can synchronize movements? but i can't do the robot as well as owen.

5. my sis graduates from college in two months. this means graduation party blow-out in the backyard, fences busting with cheese platters and vegan alternatives for the kids and oh so many relatives. grandma far-away is sure i will be getting married soon. i am not looking forward to that conversation.

6. i miss miss miss school. i miss memorizing biology and math. biology: anaphase telephase vacuole endoplasmic reticulum phenotype genotype, mmmmm. i was a compulsive flashcard maker. please send me your homework. i am itching for some love, quadratic equation-style.

7. i am looking for a bass guitar.

8. have i mentioned how much i love boggle lately?

9. there is a tulip on my desk that moves. she is lifting her head toward the fluorescent light and that makes me so sad.

10. photobooth pictures at lunchtime, hooray!

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