2001-05-30 || 5:29 p.m.

|| bad habits are rad. ||

bad habits that i secretly think are pretty great:

refastening buttons with safety pins instead of sewing them back on. hemming pants and skirts with safety pins instead of sewing them. fixing holes and the like with em safety pins. using safety pins way too often. sitting in my apartment window and smoking. writing letters and never getting around to sending them (but not yours, c.d.). assuming people do not like me. impulsively/compulsively cutting my hair, usually at inopportune moments. laughing at inopportune moments. snorting while laughing at inopportune moments. driving like a grandma..too close to the steering wheel, hunched over, elbows sticking out in a very dangerous fashion. reading magazines and newspapers from back to front. telling too many people i love them. talking too loud. getting too involved at the movies. compulsively checking email even though i never get any. compulsively making lists. compulsively drawing the articles of clothing/toiletries i need to bring when i am going on a trip. always being late with the birthday presents (owen, i have yours. it is sitting on the record player.) crying over commercials. crying over my mum and dad calling me out of the blue. crying at the sight of kids. crying at the sight of small animals. crying at the memory of my minnie cat dying. crying while watching super eight movies of people i do not know. pms symptoms. being meticulous about my handwriting. collecting trash i find on the ground. becoming altogether too involved with other people's lives viewed through their windows. stockpiling thrift-store-bought clothes that do not fit me. writing on bathroom stalls with black marker (the latest at the bottom of the hill in the ladies room, my imaginary band 'the beta-caroteens'). blushing.

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