2001-06-06 || 1:51 p.m.

|| i got summer in my hot pants. ||

i am so excited to go to mum and dad's next weekend, i think mostly because i imagine it will click the season settings over from spring to summer. official summer. southern california summer. waking up and drinking coffee in the backyard with lucydog and lavernecat. getting bean burritos at del taco and eating them at doheny beach. mtv. iron chef. playstation games at tito's. sunburn in 10 minutes flat. sun tea and wine and expensive root beer in bottles. getting funny looks at the supermarket. cutting my dad's hair in the backyard. staying up late with kelly coordinating guitar chords, sneaking out of the house, hanging out at sam's, getting peanut butter and chocolate shakes at harbor house. sushi deli in san diego. gelatovero in san diego. michael's pool in encinitas. kelly's apartment and the neighbor with the deplorable guitar/singing skills. i want to do all of it. one weekend, horribly stretched out and bloated, unfortunately exacerbated by graduations and graduation parties and all the relatives staying over and best behavior and mum not getting the griled tofu quite right.

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