2001-06-11 || 9:37 a.m.

|| those infections are starting to talk to me and they have funny accents. ||

i have never been so unhealthy in all my life. maybe that sentence betrays what i am trying to say.. i have never been so sick? but it is not that i am terribly sick. that i am constantly ailing or having to stay home or unable to feel okay. it is just that for the past six months there is always something wrong. these wacky ailments. i pick them up on the street and take them home with me and unwittingly say, hello sweetheart, please make yourself at home in my body. pink eye and bladder infection and tendonitis and cramps that are getting worse each month and lady problems and that damn tooth and now a bladder infection again. i woke up yesterday with the twinge. good morning, we have set up camp in your bladder, hope you don't mind. we understand that you feel guilty for taking any more time off from work to go to the doctor and that suits us just fine. yes, go ahead and buy that cranberry juice. it's only 27% juice any way, won't make much of a difference to us. but if it makes you feel like you're doing something constructive, that's all that matters. and on your next trip to the bathroom- yes, you do need to pee again- could you read us that article on how to get a man in ten easy steps? we find that sort of thing very entertaining.

ouch. bladder.

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