2001-06-15 || 7:33 a.m.

|| before and after. a case study. this is before, although i must say my punctuation is impeccable. ||

it is very very early to be fully clothed and seated in front of a computer with the air conditioning running full blast and the work ladies already at mid-day decibal level. i am grouchy and sluggish and am mystified that i sit here with no coffee in sight.

i will consume obscene amounts of coffee this morning. it will be a sort of experiment.

and i will try my hardest not to do real work today. i will concoct more of the zine i am (dreaming of) making and think of the quintessential father's day present (is it silly to buy your dad a corn cob pipe because he reminds you of popeye?) and go over what i stuffed in my suitcases early early this morning on my frantic flight out of the house. me in san diego: i open the suitcase and there are five blouses, no pants or skirts. no lucky knee socks either because those are hurtling somewhere in the galaxy at this point. i can't find them. draped very saucy-like over an antennae of the mir space station, giving aliens the wrong idea.

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