2001-08-24 || 10:09 a.m.

|| it's the kind where you don't want to wake up but when you do you feel like crying. ||

my dream: something about a wedding. my wedding. i am not dressed yet. my dad has not shown up to cut my hair. i am not sure where the groom is, or who the groom is. the priest shows up in my mother's miata and i walk him through the garage into the house. he is carrying a suitcase and looks annoyed. chris is there. he has brought his relatives. he is wearing the 'i love npr' tshirt i made him so i figure he is not the groom. i don't want to ask. he introduces me to a big auntie and follows me into a closet to kiss me. we go outside to the driveway so i can show him some ballet moves. we are flirting. we are making excuses to touch each other. a couple of punk rock kids are watching and clap for us. we go back inside and he sits towards the back of the room and i am very confused and feel like i should be getting dressed or something. people are looking at me annoyed and expectant. they are tapping watches and are talking behind raised hands. i don't want to stand at the front of the room. chris is grinning in a very jerky way from the back of the room. i would like to know to whom i am about to get married.

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