2001-08-30 || 10:22 a.m.

|| extraction ||

(i got one of my molars yanked out yesterday. pliers and shots of novacaine and tooth dust settling on the collar of my shirt. blood and saliva and gauze. i asked the dentist if i could see my tooth and was struck by how beautiful it was. much larger than i expected. still a bit bloody and in shock that it had been uprooted so violently. 'i am not a weed,' it said. 'i'm not something you can just throw in the garbage.' so i asked the dentist if i could keep it and he said he wasn't supposed to give it to me because of OSHA standards, but. (i am paying one-thousand two-hundred forty-dollars for that tooth. i think i should be able to keep it. i think i should be able to make it into a necklace to wear.) but he never gave it to me.

and i paid sixteen-fifty for parking one and a half hours in the embarcadero parking garage (never. ever. park in that garage.) and drove across the bridge with my mouth all numb and jaw all hurty and very sad to be parted from my nice molar, who really didn't mean any harm.

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