2001-10-26 || 11:19 a.m.

|| to combat the nothing to say feeling. ||

(treasures: grandpop's military boots, worn throughout world war I in egypt new zealand england india. piece of shrapnel from high school chemistry experiment gone awry, given to me by lab partner/secret crush in 1993. photograph of grandmother lying in grass at age seventeen. sculpture sent to my mum before i was born, courtesy of art-of-the-month club. photograph taken of mum by me dad on their wedding day. lucky spoon, lost and found and lost and retrieved from under luke's bed, then lost again. two afghans made by grandma far-away. poems written on napkins from my sister. the stella harmony, warped from that night on the beach. mum's nursing books. minnie's cat hair. the cuckoo clock. a nail from the shoulder of the highway in idaho. one paper tail from the pin the tail on the donkey game played on new year's eve, 2000. michael's self-portrait stuffed animals, with wire glases and a red ribbon tongue and the body made from the bottom of a corduroy pant leg.

lost in space: cassette of kelly and me singing at ages five and three. star trek ironing board, a birthday present from michael. the summer of 1997 mixed tape: tullycraft crayon halo benders. my extracted molar, number 30 or 31 on the dental chart. day of the week underwear. fisher price printing press. the beck shrine. the video tapes: disneyland, me and aline, the time i tripped and tore my hawaiian dress while running in front of mary ward dorms, jeff f streaking jt's diner on 19th, the alien movie made late at night in the house on 24th street. the captain eo pirate video. my disneyland year pass. )

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