2001-11-09 || 11:26 a.m.

|| i heart a brezel part two ||

hooray. last night was one of those very nice shows where i feel like i know everybody. i could stand in the middle of the room, pint in hand, and wave in all directions, queen mum-like. joe + matt + sarah + the sassy boy army. jason + cass + matt. the chris friend network. random people i haven't seen in a very long time, yay. (note to conchita: i looked for you, rascal. where were you hiding?) (note to eggstonious: dood. why didn't you say something?) there was a bit of dancing and a lot of smoking on the back patio and brezel spying and laughing into joe's shoulder at crazy momus and his italian film crew and standing with mouth agape while witnessing the most enthusiastic boy dancer ever during stereo total's set. i recognized his condition immediately: the ska show phenomenon. ska shows ruin your dancing abilities for some time, what with all that skankin it up taking over your nervous system and wiping out all other acceptable forms of dancing. just standing next to him infected me a bit, having been years recovered, and my shoulders started twitching and gravity pulled my head towards the floor. but. oh. stereo total. is so entertaining to watch. i want them to play at my wedding. they get so completely caught up and brezel gets all excited and dances all over the stage so that his instrument playing becomes an afterthought. so. nice. afterwards matt and i were discussing our brezel love and i wanted to get a polaroid. but when we got up close i got very scared. 'but he's sweaty. but he's sitting down.' i tried to pull matt away but he marched right over and pulled brezel by the shirt sleeve and there we were standing, in front of the pinball machine, matt and i smiling way too big because the flash was going off and brezel was grabbing our asses. wow. three times for three pictures. he is a fresh one. and then we went outside and francoise cactus was there and there was more picture taking and unabashed admiration of their dreamy accents. hooray.

on the car ride home jason and company were discussing very important very serious band stuff and the tambourine thing came up. tell the truth, it would be very cheeky for me to be a tambourine player, right? to be in a band and all i do is play tambourine. it is so. apologetically girl (nevermind being the type to stockpile instruments/amps only to collect dust and serve as beautiful door stoppers because i don't know how to play them properly.). and quite frankly i don't think i could pull it off. you have to be ann margaret for that sort of thing. and the idea of workin it (ass bumpin, boobs thumpin) in front of lots of people for the sake of percussion, however secretly enticing, sounds downright terrifying. hmm. oh.

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