2001-11-21 || 12:11 p.m.

|| it's sister guest day with kelly!! ||

ok so this is katherinhand's sister. i'm sitting here in san diego watching the other half, a truly awful show in which i tune in because i am mesmerized by the thought of mario lopez, danny bonaducci and dick clark having conversations about women. i could be doing something productive like working on that paper i wrote or unpacking the rest of my things or swimming but no, i sit here watching tv in my undies hoping my roommate doesn't come home and see me in such a depressing state.

so has anyone seen "Meet The Parents"? oh my god that's a funny movie. alright.

i think its obvious to all of you I have not been blessed with the gift of creative writing as my lovely sister has. i promise i have other traits that are just as awe-inspiring. i can belly dance (have since I was five years old!) and I can name the first 32 elements of the periodic table.

So when me and my sister were little, we had this cat named minnie that would sleep with me every night. Jenn would get upset because the cat CLEARLY liked me more and she'd always try to steal her off my bed. if in fact she succeeded the cat would always came back to my room. Many a night i would wake up to the sound of jenn in the hallway whispering extremely loudly "MINNAY! MINNNAAAAY! COME HEEEERE!! MINNAAAY!" it was pathetic really.

Sometimes we would try to scare each other in the middle of the night by sneaking into each other's rooms at night and then jumping up and yelling. jenn was horrible at it. i would pretend not to notice her inching her way through the door on her stomach using her elbows to pull her forward. she'd always go over the creak in the floor or crinkle a piece of paper but I'd just humor her. it was more fun that way. I on the other hand was masterful. one night i waited until she was asleep. she always kept a fan on right next to her bed. i crept into her room and layed beside the bed on the floor. then i turned off the fan to get her attention. as she reached down to turn the fan back on she touched the top of my head instead and jumped out of bed screaming bloody murder, ha ha ha to this day it still brings a tear to my eye. our parents were none too pleased that night.

ok i'm afraid that's all. perhaps i will pop in later with other funny anecdotes about our beloved katherinhand.

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