2001-11-28 || 4:08 p.m.

|| phyllis has the r&b christmas songs playing on her computer and i think i am going to take my own life. ||

oh, the work ladies.

the work ladies had yet another potluck today. they liked what i made. this is a big deal. i have been asked for the recipe. my dessert has been compared to the other desserts, three hours after the fact, and i still come out on top. this has moved me up in ranking of work ladies. i am now above the lady who clips her nails at her desk and below the lady who changes the thermostat settings every twenty minutes.

one of the work ladies accused me of not knowing who ray charles is. ray charles. this from the same woman who thought she had me by demanding that i name the four beatles.

we were singing some christmas song. 'who sings that?' 'is that the one who was married to phil spector?' (the work ladies were talking about phil spector!) 'brenda lee. it was brenda lee,' someone yelled over their cubicle.

we all walked down together down telegraph to the other office on campus to take a group picture. they all yelled in unison as we turned the corner and got hit by a gust of wind. oh. on the way back the lot of us were walking in an alley way and i saw a boy i kind of know. i stopped to talk to him. the work ladies walked by and proceeded to say 'woooooo' and 'ooohhhhhh' and 'hubba hubba.' i am not kidding. there were like twenty of them. the work ladies are all over the age of 50. when i got back they were waiting for me at the door to get in. they said things like 'you sure took a long time' and 'who's your boyfriend.' i yelled at them. 'i am appalled at your behavior,' i said to the work ladies. 'i expect this of eleven year olds, not of work ladies.'

it is now four o'clock and there are a few things left from the potluck. discarded potato chips and ground beef quesadillas no one was really into. the other leftovers were quickly squirreled away, labeled with names, and hidden in pockets in the refrigerator and at desks. 'if stewardship upstairs thinks they can come down and take our food, they have another thing coming,' said one of the work ladies as she wrapped half a soggy taquito in a paper towel. 'and what was up with alumni records showing up late? you did notice that when they got here with their food that the table was already full.'

oh dear. it is going to induce premature menopause i think, all this unhealthy exposure to the work ladies.

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