2001-12-11 || 11:13 a.m.

|| at approximately eleven a.m. day in and day out ||

every day on my break i bundle up and make a bee line for the break bench. i pass my favorite nomadic greeter ('have a nice day now. good luck on your finals. it's ALways nice to see you' over and over whether there's someone there or not. pats on backs and tips of his head. he's wearing two baseball caps today, one perched on top of the other.) and jaywalk and find my sunny spot. i give out cigarettes and write in my book: secret strategies and plans and good ideas. plans for presents and books and crafty things. christmas lists. lists of music to buy and books to buy and people to include for various things. my hairs falling in my eyes and it's very cold and i write and write and write. i check my watch and get up and walk back. the greeter greets me again, not recognizing that i just saw him ten minutes before.

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