2002-03-14 || 11:28 a.m.

|| on the air and in the sky ||

it's like the comfort of constellations: the big dipper is always going to be right over your shoulder and orion's belt's always flashing like sequins. best friends. i got to see owen for a matter of hours but it was enough for his mannerisms to transfer to me, the exclamations in his voice and lifting arms up for punctuation after every sarcastic sentence. tuesday night we were on the radio: jeff incredibly cool and professional in headphones, pushing at buttons and switches in smooth dj motions, asking solid questions, keeping owen on track, yelling at george to move to a microphone because no one can hear him yelling from the back of the room. i sat next to owen and slapped at his hands when he snapped the closures of his suitcase open and closed with fidgety fingertips. i was the right hand man, keyboards perched on our laps, retelling secret stories, our sentences tumbling over each other not at all intended for public broadcast.

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