2003-12-18 || 9:55 p.m.

|| oh man. ||

today i drank too much at the company party, which turned out to not be much fun at all seeing as i no longer have cohorts within said company. just workladies for miles and miles, wearing fake antlers and holiday-inspired sweatshirts. that was me with the bottomless glass of wine (one of the waiters was real good to me. we had a secret understanding. he could detect the waves of desperation.) holding a baby who was objecting to my wine breath i believe. note to self: have babies around at awkward social gatherings so as to not have to talk to the grown-ups. all conversation is funneled to the baby and converted to unintelligible babytalk where responses are unnecessary. one and a half hours later, for these holiday parties are cut and dry very efficient things, i was standing in the parking lot wondering if it was wise to drive. i have no gauge for degree of drunkenness. i felt drunk dialing was in order, as it is my new favorite pasttime and affords me all kinds of indiscretions, so i attempted to dial newyorkboy's place of work four times without much luck. realized that if i could not dial a phone i should perhaps think twice about operating a vehicle. after dial assistance, i reached the bar of my favorite barback and proceeded to yell and cackle into the phone to the point he made me promise to go get coffee and sit around for a while before driving home. i have never had a solo drunken adventure, and was a little disappointed this had to take place at the scene of work aka telegraph avenue. i called three more people. i got coffee. i proceeded to write drunken letter, which is not as immediately satisfying as the drunk dial and has the stipulation of sending the letter immediately so as not to indulge in any second thoughts/words of reason. i bought an envelope, a large cardboard envelope for diskettes/cds, which at the time seemed effing hilarious for a three by five piece of paper.

(i would like to interrupt here to acknowledge that i am a complete idiot. i know. i am a total nerd and share these events that would most likely not even show up on anyone else's fun times radar. i am sorry. don't hate. i can't help it. i am a geek. go flush my head in a toilet.)

i sat down in a scary part to talk to my sister. she was not amused by my funfest 2003. i went to send drunken letter at the post office only to find post office does not operate in the evening hours, perhaps to safeguard the innocent souls from sending the drunken letter (can't remember what i wrote, but i marveled at how my handwriting stayed somewhat intact. there were lots of hearts and repeated mentioning of making sweet love.). i promised myself to send the letter first thing in the morning, even though that somewhat tarnishes the integrity of the d.l. i stopped to talk to my favorite street personality and after three michael jackson jokes i handed over a five dollar bill (it was his birthday sunday. no it was really his birthday on sunday.). i walked back to my car, opening up my wallet to make sure it was indeed the five dollar bill that was handed over and not a twenty freshly plucked from the atm, as his reaction was that of great appreciation and all around stokedness. i got to my car. i tried to find a good cd from under the passenger seat. i drove home quite safely, quite responsibly.

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