2005-06-12 || 10:16 p.m.

|| my dad's a marine biologist. ||

"Hi Jenn: I enjoyed your picture. The jellies, by the way, are Velella velella, common name By-the-wind-sailor, a type of jellyfish with a "sail". Interestingly, their sails are set in such an angle that they normally sail away from shore (west). Those occurring in the western Pacific have sails set in the opposite direction to sail east. Sometimes the winds don't cooperate and they come ashore. They are often associated with El Nino events. When I first saw them I was walking on the beach with my father and was thrilled. I suspected they were scales off a blue whale. It wasn't until years later that I realized whales, of course, don't have scales. Whenever I see them, which is rare, I still have to chuckle."

we drove to the coast.

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