2000-10-17 || 16:36:08

|| dig those crazy primates. ||

right now i am reading gorillas in the mist(just for the record from what i have heard, the book has nothing to do with the movie.. i haven't seen it myself but it sounds like the actual story was completely exploited and injected with a good dose of hollywood cheese and it annoys me to no end.), which i happen to be obsessed with at the moment, and then last night there just happened to be a documentary on the relocation of orangutans, so now i have monkey fever. dig those crazy primates. they're just so fascinating.. and it makes me kick myself for not staying on the biology track to become a behaviorist or field researcher or zoo keeper, fer chrissake (meanwhile my sister is in costa rica being pummeled by countless howler monkeys and spider monkeys and i am so insanely jealous i'm not her bad biology-lovin self tracking the migration pattern of ants or whatever it is she's doing down there right now). ugh. i marvel at their closeness to humans, the deliberateness of their movements, the agility of their hands that are so much like our own. and what killed me the most was how they cling to the people working with them like babies. maybe that's what all this is when you come down to it.. i just view them as babies. and i want one. i got the feeling i used to get when seeing monkeys when i was younger.. in zoos or on tv or at the pet store down the street (there was this tiny sad white monkey in a glass cage in a ghetto pet store in huntington beach, and i would go with my dad and sit outside the cage and cry while dad bought meal worms.), this terrible pining feeling, like having a hopeless crush.

but really, i have learned the most extraordinary things from gorillas in the mist. how their socialization mimics our own, how they cry when upset and slow down their pace to keep up with the weaker members of the group, how they cuddle together when they're cold or upset.

so i'm quittin this job to move to africa to sit in vegetation all day and watch them.

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