2000-10-16 || 17:36:58

|| fake earthquakes and robots and why these things scare me. ||

i am listening to tullycraft on my headphones of all things, and it is so strongly connected to the summer of 1997 that i keep forgetting that i'm 24 and workin in san francisco and living in the apartment in albany. the summer of 1997 was the best summer i've ever had: boone's farm and black hair and dresses and every weekend in san diego at my hotty boyfriend's house, makin out in hammocks, swimming at night, falling so completely in love i couldn't sleep for three months. i think of myself as so much younger then, and innocent, and everything was so unbelievably new and exciting. i am fighting the urge to draw a timeline of events leading to this very point in time and sticking it here. good thing i don't know how.

michael and i went to the tech museum yesterday.. michael in an effort to nerd out and i as the innocent bystander in the passenger seat of the car, hell-bent for san jose to get there in time to get pictures drawn of us by a robot (it wasn't working yesterday) and to ride on the earthquake simulator.

i cried on the earthquake simulator. it was just a 5.1, patterned after the bolinas quake of '99, but it was enough for me to remember all the earthquake-induced panic attacks and clutch my head and threaten to jump off if it didn't stop soon. a mother of three 7-year-old-looking boys who were pretending to be surfing the jolts (why do boys do that?) gave me hard looks as i whimpered next to the yellow-and-black safety strip. not good. and then i cried a little in the astronaut exhibit while michael tried out the greece earthquake. i swear i was crying. there is something wrong with me lately.

oh and we made a webpage at the museum, lookit. so it was swell. even if i did have to re-live my earthquake fright among tourists and mean moms and fake broken glass windows.

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