2000-12-01 || 17:53:14

|| no, rilly it's me, it's just that my nose has turned into something of the melon family. ||

something funny is going on with my nose. really. rilly. it is red and sore and i'm worried that it is going to puff up into a strawberry. it's getting in the way of looking at the keys as i type. i have eaten something poisonous. someone slipped an evil potion in my veggie torta. there is a voodoo doll looking suspiciously like me with big black shoes and a red red nose. and a mysterious bruise on the knuckle of her thumb. and i was thinking about how it'll get bigger and bigger and plus side=i could go home and hide out as the elephant lady and live in black and white but negative side=what if my nose gets too big while i'm driving and i can't see anymore. and i know i'm making it worse by thinking about it. just like my side pain. and hearing loss. and pinkeye. and lung cancer. and alzheimers.

i got heckled on the street today while waiting for the jackals i went to lunch with to get the hell out of el farolito and my feelings are still hurt. i'm so sensitive to heckling by strangers. and all this stupid borderline homeless guy said was *you must not be from around here* because the light turned red and i was turning right and there were cars turning left so i let them and ended up blocking the crosswalk. so all these people had to walk around my gotdamn buick century and gave me hard looks. and then he said that. and isn't it stupid? there have been a lot worse hecklings, such as those of the show-us-yer-tits variety, but it made me sad. it was the tone of his voice. and the fact that he yelled at me in front of all the people in the crosswalk. and i'm not a jerky driver, i'm such a grandma driver, and i was stuck in that spot because i was letting all the poor left turners go.

this was a silly thing to write about.

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