2001-02-21 || two: two-four

|| ghost in the copy machine. ||

the copy machine makes the most beautiful sound when someone is pushing its buttons.

almost like when you wet your finger and run it around and around on the rim of a wine glass (I am seven, I am at uncle jim's before he killed himself. he is showing my cousins, my sister and I ((all girls. grandpop always wanted girls and died before every last one of his grandkids were born female.)) in the dining room how to lick your finger without too much spit and run it around the rim). slowly at first, careful to keep your fingertip in the same place, then faster and faster until your finger is vibrating with that sound. ghosts make that sound, a hum. the sound form of light.

uncle jim is caught in the copy machine. there was a terrible mistake and his ghost has been transformed to electricity and strobe lights and he spends all day spitting out paper, unable to speak his own words, doomed to copy others'.

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