2001-02-21 || 5:30pm

|| kell-kell why are you so far away? ||

my sister is making cookies in her apartment. the cats, olive and egon, our sitting on the table, chewing on gas bills, pushing glasses off the edge to watch them fall. i imagine it like this: kelly's san diego apartment is an enchanted cottage with a roof that comes to a point in the center, with two old ladies living on either side. with flower plants on the porch that she waters at six in the morning in her underwear. she has wood floors and at night she wears socks so that she and the cats can skate across from room to room. she has the record player turned on and is singing into a spatula. there is a picture of me on the wall, a picture of me hugging her too tightly in front of the space needle, a picture of her and me back when we were blond and corduroy.

boys come over and try to decipher the dungeon and dragons set she just bought. she has 300 experience points. they come over to watch movies. to practice guitar. to dye their hair. i call her when she is in the middle of this, in the middle of baking cookies she will eat for dinner, in the middle of the cats pulling out tampons from the bathroom cupboard to bat down the hallway, in the middle of a movie or dnd, in the middle of her new favorite record. but i am not apart of this and know nothing for sure.

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