2001-02-22 || 2:47 pm

|| how do you feel about flannel sheets? ||

incredibly fun things to do by jennifer anne katherinhand!

1. walk like a supermodel when you're somewhere very unglamorous, like in the frozen food aisle at the supermarket and the trip between the copy machine and your desk at work.

2. call your sister late at night and tell her crazy stories like 'kelly. i. am. pregnant.' or 'kelly I just got married!' or 'kelly I saw michael jackson at the gas station again!'

3. fax official looking papers to your dad so that he can feel proud of his fully-employed benefit-enjoyin hot-shot daughter.

4. listen to the 'music of disneyland' tape while driving. especially the electric parade song. you will go wild with happiness and be dangerously close to causing some sort of accident. wheee!

5. stand on the corner of a busy street and stare at some poor boy across the street. If you are smoking, you can french inhale and stare at them and that really freaks them out!

there are more. but i am getting yelled at right now.

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