2001-03-01 || 10:49

|| setting up bivouac next to the vitamins ||

I haven't slept in my apartment for days.

I am subletting the apartment to a family of ants.

At least they say they are a family. they all seem too young to make up a family: ant mother, ant father, ant sister and brother. they are all the same age, but have very different faces. I can tell by the mandibles.

I stopped by the apartment last night to gather more clothes and brush my teeth. that is when I found them. in the bathroom. they had chartered out pathways and railways and highways along the walls, cutting around my polaroids and suitcases, my accordion.

they were setting their sights on corners, the windowsill, an empty glass with dried orange juice at the bottom, my toothpaste in my medicine cabinet for ant lawn chairs and ant foam beer coolers. ant hot tubs and hi-fi systems.

they had invaded the medicine cabinet. there is something disconcerting about finding a family ironing sheets and trying to find the remote control in your medicine cabinet. I brushed my teeth quietly, tried not to spit on any of them. they think it is summer.

I didn't want to ruin their nice vacation.

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