2001-03-23 || 03:37 p.m.

|| the north pole will be reported missing. ||

it comes to me in flashes that you guys are leaving. it hasn't really sunk in a bit yet.


i am asked to write down my three bay area best friends on a piece of paper.




and it is like a lightning strike, the unluckiest of lotteries, that someone comes along and cuts that portion of the paper clear off, snip. puts it in an envelope, seals it, stamps it, and ships it off to portland.

and i am standing here holding a blank piece of paper. and there are other pieces of paper, sure, full of numbers and names and hearts and stars, but.

it is like someone has come along and snipped off a sizable piece of the planet. so that most of the continents are still intact, unaffected, still busy watching television and eating pastries, but the earth doesn't spin quite as nicely. gravity is affected. the oceans splash around a little more and saltwater finds its way into deep space.

you know?

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