2001-03-26 || 10:00 a.m.

|| zombie love-in. ||

goodness. i feel very much like a zombie this morning. lemme bite your shoulder. c'mon. i hunger for your flesh, oh yeah.

p.s. you're supposed to say the 'oh yeah' the way you would say 'oh yeah' if you had just snapped into a slim jim, incidentally, to get the full marvelous effect.

p.s. i have been listening a lot to john denver's greatest hits, volume two, especially 'annie's song' and 'like a sad song,' usually under covers, usually while somewhat sad. the faint. jimmie rodgers heart heart heart. johnny cash. built to spill, heavy on the lonely doug version of the halo benders' 'scarin.' the microphones' 'don't wake me up,' which i like, although i would rather be listening to 'it was hot, we stayed in the water' because oh boy am i ever up for an undersea adventure.

p.s. i saw the movie 'billy liar' yesterday afternoon at the castro theater with sweet joe. the movie was lovely. billy fisher, heart heart heart. dreamy english accents, heart heart heart. scenes of 1963 dance halls full of silly music and silly dances and big big hair and suits and ties and lovely dresses, heart heart heart. why can't we have that now? it breaks my heart. club lovely and the like could be an evolution of the 1963 dance hall, but it is stripped down of all the brilliant parts: choreographed dance steps and the dress up factor and couple dancing and a live leslie gore-ish lookin lady singing along to a live band. apathy. that is what is plaguing the present dance hall experience, my friends.

p.s. i am drinking vanilla cola. it is ever so refreshing, exciting, really, and is promptly moving up my personal list of favorite beverages.

for the record. list of favorite beverages: 1. grape soda. i find stewart's to be exceptional. 2. mocha bianca oh la la 3. san pellegrino aranciata 4. strawberry lemonade with a dismaying amount of strawberry gunk at the bottom 5. neenay's canela 6. this can of vanilla cola (look at it climb the charts, ladies and gentlemen!! pushing out such standards as seven-up and blue squishies!!) i know i am forgetting other liquid favorites, but this intoxicating combination of pure triple filtered carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, citric acid, tartaric acid, natural flavors with extracts of madagascan vanilla (!serious!), indian nutmeg (!you don't say!) and chinese ginger (!could it get more exotic!) is clouding my thoughts.

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