2001-03-29 || 12:14 p.m.

|| house show at the mcgee house ||

oh how i love house shows. the feeling of knowing so many of the people crammed in the living room. the bad kids in the kitchen, making toast and smoking and knocking over beer bottles. sitting on relocated couches in the backyard, watching our breath form clouds and disintegrate among the stars and outlines of trees. we sat on floors, bunched up against walls, nodded our heads and closed our eyes as the guitars got louder and a boy's voice wavered to get to the high notes. the kissing book and katie from dear nora and my esteemed brother jason papercuts. hushed to indoor voices, standing at the front of the room like kindergarten teachers. i sat indian style. i sat and watched the bass drum vibrate and the fingers change position to form chords. i slugged people on the arm in between songs. i closed my eyes a lot.

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