2001-03-29 || 8:35 a.m.

|| the scary parental olympics. ||

tonight tonight. tonight after work the sexy american boyfriend and i are flying down the 5 furiously fast, hell-bent for san diego.

among other wonderful things planned for this exhaustive weekend, such as a couple of shows and getting sand in our shoes and consuming mass amounts of squishies, sexy american boyfriend is going to meet my family.


somehow this has become a very big deal.

and it's not, it's not. it will be fun, really. really. maybe i've told too many stories. or maybe it's the distance.. it's bound to make things feel like a big deal i guess. or maybe it's the fact that meeting parents is inherently scary.

humm. and sexy american boyfriend has gotten to the point of whimpering whenever i mention anything having to do with this weekend.

and i will tell you a secret: i actually think my mum and the boy are conspiring to drive me batty. boy is all jittery nervous. my mum is all jittery nervous, which is completely unheard of in the grand history of my mother.


last night on the phone:

ma: well when will we see you?

me: saturday night. we can have dinner.

ma: well do we go out or should i make something?

me: i don't know. it's up to you. if you feel like cooking, that is fine. it's not a big deal, mummy.

ma: it is! this is a potentially very important person in your life. (!!!!)i need to know if we are going out so that i can make reservations.

me: mother!! what are you saying?? this is so not a big deal.

ma: it is. we have to behave ourselves. we want to make a good impression.

me: so dad's going to have to wear a shirt.

ma: yeah, dad can't hang around naked.

(dad guffaws in background.)


holy moly. what has happened?

oh. oh. oh.

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