2001-04-06 || 9:37 a.m.

|| you can't even get the top of my head wet, let alone anything else. ||

it is raining out. but it's not a satisfying kind of rain. it is the kind of rain that is kissing you and you're gettin kind of hot, gettin kind of shivery, you're gettin the feeling alright, and then it just stops. or you open your eyes and find the rain that is kissing you is also watching television, not wholeheartedly kissing you, so your feelings get hurt and you just stop trying so hard. and you wipe your mouth with the sleeve of your shirt, right there in front of the rain, and walk away.

and you feel frustrated and have half a mind to go find some nice thunderstorm to take a tumble with in the backseat of a heated car.

i have no time for rain like this. wishy-washy rain that wasn't much of a good kisser to begin with.

i don't know why i even bothered to bring an umbrella.

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