2001-04-09 || 8:47 a.m.

|| there is a big orange chair in my kitchen now. ||

spring cleaning and pushing up daisies and smoking out the window of my apartment. i moved the furniture around in my apartment yesterday, put up more pictures, vacuumed until there were patterns in the carpet, rekindled my photo booth picture collection (i wish i could show the latest to you: m. and i, looking very tuff if i do say so myself. my hair is getting long.). and everything feels so much better with a little tweaking. with my head in a different spot to sleep at night, this time directly beneath the window so that when i look up i see stars.

i will spend more time at home. i will use my desk to write on and type on, not to house my creeping expanding trash/art supply collection. i will keep things somewhat tidy. i will have flowers and plants and living things in my apartment. i will find the table of my dreams to go under the window in the kitchen so that i can have tiny roses in terracotta pots.

life would be so much better with tiny roses in terracotta pots.

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