2001-05-29 || 9:42 a.m.

|| is it really tuesdsay because it feels so much like a monday. ||

bad morning.

on top of that my hair is sticking out in funny places.

on top of that i have to go to a dentist-specialist across the bay in union square in a half hour to look at my bum tooth. i am getting more nervous as i type. my stomach has been alerted and is now rumbling and contorting into funny balloon-animal shapes.

on top of that i didn't bring a toothbrush and i am presently drinking coffee and. i wish i brought a toothbrush.

on top of that i am not feeling very good about things at the moment.

things: me. the things that come out of my mouth. the way i ended up reading corelli's mandolin in the bathtub for too long yesterday when i should have been painting and finishing cleo dawn's doomed letter. secret things i cannot get into here. the way i very much feel like crying right now.

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