2001-06-07 || 12:31 p.m.

|| o 1967-era butterwick pattern, i love you! ||

i change my mind. i want to quit my job to sit by my sunny apartment window (feet dangling over the ledge, lucky ash tray by my side, just in case) and make dresses. dresses made with the same wrinkled pattern, over and over, out of old pillow cases. why do pillow cases have to be made out of the dreamiest material? small small roses and blue stripes and faded yellow polka dots. i want to cut them up and stitch the material back together with lime green embroidery floss and sew sew sew. even though my two last sewing machines have been put out to pasture. even though dresses never come out quite right. but the a-line short-sleeved ending-two-inches-above-your-knee dress. with lovely darts and collars and interfacing if i'm feeling like the responsible dress maker. this job cannot even compare.

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