2001-08-28 || 10:18 a.m.

|| cakes. ||

budweiser + bowling + me = high score of 51. pre-budweiser i bowled a 101. i think this requires more scientific experiments, including variables such as harvey wallbangers (which made me bowl better) and the long neck vs. the wide mouth (is that what it's called?). eating dinner beforehand vs. not. elka not being there for moral support and high fives and secret excursions outside to smoke. lucinda bowling with us (yay!), hitting walls with fists and holding the red ball over her head in a very dangerous way. lovely. but more of this budweiser business: it is very embarrassing to fall apart a bit after one (1.) beer. one. bad. and i wasn't drunk really, just feeling very loose. all the bones in me disappeared. and focusing on those little marks in the lane got harder. or i didn't care. and it's very fun to be silly, especially on lane 11 against the wall right next to the speakers booming bowling radio, surrounded by younger kids eyeing your budweiser bottle, with some very nice lovelies you are proud to share a bowling night with. bowling jokes, compliments of the cakes: lucinda squashes a very big bug. i finish my round and look at it and say, 'but was it a BOWL weevil??!!' ha ha ha ha ha ha. david says something about what a bad drinker i am and how it has affected my game for the worse. i say, 'and i'm irish for chrissakes!' and lucinda asks, 'oh, are the irish good bowlers??' oh ho ho ho hoho.

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