2001-10-31 || 11:25 a.m.

|| nanoo nanoo and the wrimos ||

i am very grumbly and zombie-like from staying up very late helping with the last of the wrimo sign-ups. gadz. red bull and beer and smoke breaks in the alley, teaching the boys ballet moves (pirouette = disaster on vernon street, oh.). it is all very very strange. articles poppin up in australia and the LA times and eep, USA today. making it all sound very official. meanwhile we are holed up in a room with too many computers, offering more beer and back rubs and 'are you okay?'s and advice on combatting the carpal tunnel symptoms. offering improvements for next year because it is only going to get bigger. and it makes me anxious. everything spinning fabulously out of control. chris becoming a celebrity of sorts. and there is going to be an NPR story. and then he will fall off the cliff of obscurity into fresh air with teri gross and appearances on conan and wow. it is all so weird.

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