2001-11-23 || 11:37 p.m.

|| blinking blinking blinking blinkies! ||


(side note: elka thinks to herself: it is so hard to interview jenn while watching annie hall. woodie allen is digustingly mysoginistic. and i don't think i spelled that correctly.

jenn says: there's always the best old ladies in the background.

an old lady asks woody allen why he doesn't try going out with other women)

elka: are you posing right now? (jenn lays on bed, chin resting on forearm, legs askew, cigarette lilting elegantly out the window. jenn says "it's too bad we don't have a scanner so we could scan in pictures illustrating this. i have a scanner but i dropped it. on my head.")

jenn: no!

e: what would be a prototypical jenn pose? like one you use to seduce innocent young men?

j: AH HA HA! awww. augh.

e:why do you like woody allen when he so obviously gross and married his own daughter?

(side note: elka has always wondered this about woody allen fans)

j: (long pause) well, i don't know...his characters are...you're giving the hard hitting questions here...his characters are creepy but they're really good. like i love how annie hall is a really bad driver and she says "la dee da"....

e:is there a story behind your new bedspread?

j: it's not new, it's my "cold weather bedspread." it's orange and it reminds me of motels. see all the good orange stuff in my apartment, like the poster, the chair, the lantern? and the orange bell? and the orange ceramic cat from costa rica that my sister brought me? and woody allen's hair is orange?

(side note: jenn says: see, the spider part in annie hall is like when the gas was leaking in my oven and i made micheal come over to turn on the pilot light... and he said he was being like alvie singer.)

e: why do you have a framed photograph of a wiener dog on top of your television?

j:because it's probably a dead wiener dog now. and my mom always gives me a hard time about having pictures of people i don't know, so i thought it would be nice to have a picture of a dog i don't know.

e: so it's art, then. the wiener dog is art.

j: yes, the wiener dog is always art. it's a bit cold huh? (jenn closes the window.) oof. (jenn walks over to the bed.) where's my cat? (jenn walks into hall) did you see the pictures of meow meow that i took in the closet? (jenn shows me pictures of meow meow taken in closet) (i laugh) i'm going to put them right there (jenn props them against her printer) i was going to tape them inside of the closet but i'd rather have them out here so she'll be "out of the closet" so they say. (jenn tapes one polaroid of meow meow in the closet onto the printer) i'm going to tape the other one inside the closet so meow meow will have herself to look at. (sounds in background that i can't identify) oh no. (pans come out of the oven) i have bad news about the cookies. they're a little brown.

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