2001-11-23 || 10:41 p.m.

|| a guest entry by elka ||

hello, this is elka. ahh.

"i hate to tell you this but it's 1975. 'neat' went out in the turn of the century."

i'm sitting in jenn's apartment and a man on television just ordered annie hall to touch his heart with her foot.

jenn's apartment building is so aestheically pleasing. her apartment also. makes me feel calm and inspired at the same time. this is how it is being around jenn; i want us to have craft nights, to share secrets and talk about how gross woody allen is, to have art shows together, to share our stories.

she's so great. i wanna know her forever. she's together around boys and she might even trim my bangs so i don't look like her dad anymore.

"they do weird things in new york. they play tennis in bubbles and they all dress in white."


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