2001-11-29 || 2:40 p.m.

|| why i love me daddums, reason number 4,852 ||

an email from me dad. he is rad. i love my dad.

>>Hi Jenn: I know I keep giving you the same precautions, but that's what us dads have to do. Sounds like you're having a good time with your novel. I'll have to try it next year. I hope to read yours. By the way I finished The Shipping News. It was very good. If you haven't read it I think you should. I'm re-reading Two Years Before the Mast now. I do believe it's my all-time favorite book. It would probably only remind you of your traumatic experience on the "Pilgrim" [note: the Pilgrim is a historical-like ship in dana point. fifth grade overnight field trip, being ten and calustrophobic, getting a cup of coffee thrown at me by the captain in front of everyone as part of his evil captain act. terrible.]. I was on jury duty for the last three days. It gave me a lot of time to read. As far as Christmas presents, there are so many things. I lost my Queen tape so a new Queen cd would be nice. I keep telling Mom I want a good pair of walkie-talkies, but she just rolls her eyes. Of course a good Maglight flashlight is always welcome. Maybe when you're down we will have time to go shopping and I'll give you some hints.

Hope to see you soon, Love, Dad

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