2001-11-30 || 11:09 a.m.

|| friday miscellany ||

1. i wrote a fifty-thousand seventy-two-word novel-sized something. i am thoroughly sick of the story. i haven't gotten to the climax yet. the climax i was planning has crumbled into melodramatic repetitive pieces and my characters are now just sitting there, at a party in portland, waiting for something to happen. they're bored and getting drunk at a horrific rate. maybe if i wait long enough they will come up with something dramatic themselves.

2. yesterday i got an email from my favoritest kept in touch high school teacher. i had written her a note, a silly fluffy 'my life is so charming, wheeee' one, and she wrote back to inform me that her thirteen year-old daughter, this beautiful sassy as all get out girl i used to babysit in high school, underwent surgery for ovarian cancer. they are worried that the other ovary has been wiped out by the chemo and she will be taking estrogen for the rest of her life. she went on to remind me that planes are crashing into buildings and our government is beating the shit out of a tiny country. it was an overwhelming note. i was blown away about hearing about t, but it was the tone that made me cry a lot. i felt yelled at for forgetting that terrible things are going on. my teacher ended up writing two times after that, nice p.s.es saying she was glad to hear from me and wanted to see me at christmas and she is so glad i am doing well, but right now i don't like going into my inbox because the email's there and i have to write back and there aren't any words because this really is a very fucked up place.

3. i had plans to go to work very early so that i could get out early, so that i could sit on pins and needles on the bus ride home in anticipation of sweet molly's arrival and take care of some things, some very important frosted things, but i slept through my alarm. i woke up all jolty and electric and meow was lying next to me. for some reason whenever i wake up late and am still caught halfway in dreams and halfway awake i blame my oversleeping on meow. she told me it was okay to sleep in. i need the rest, she tells me, patting my head so that i lie back down on the pillow. i was an hour late to work. no one said anything, but the girl scout in me is willing to lay my wrists out so that some authority figure can hit them with a ruler.

4. but. but! this is a very big weekend. i am very excited. parties and guests and san francisco and derr. prolly lots and lots of rain.

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