2005-12-25 || 12:27 a.m.

|| merry christmas, merry christmas. ||

we've only been here two days but i am already having the hardest time keeping track of time and events: the most satisfying nap in encinitas, california, following a 4:15 a.m. wake-up call in portland. decorating sugar cookies with michael's dad who happens to look remarkably like magnum p.i. noticing how this house and car smell like Dog. catching up on cable. walking around without sweater or coat and remembering gleefully what it feels like to have sun warming up skin. driving by the beach with magnum p.i. to hear the decisive word on the surf (glassy but crumbling. try again tomorrow.). taking a good long walk with my pops and michael to discuss my mother and mexico. visiting sammy at sparky's and making so many friends suddenly and wondering whether this is what it would feel like to have settled in san diego. the three of us kissing sam good night. kelly and i in incidental coordinating outfits (how i meant to take a picture. with a palm tree background just to get your dead-of-winter goat). my mother standing in the kitchen showing me the horrendous orange-sized bruise on her boob from a biopsy whose outcome will be revealed on tuesday, the morning after i fly home one-thousand miles away from her. loving on laverne the cat. trivial pursuit christmas tradition in which team generation Y slays the geriatrics. my mum, kind of drunk. using her new slippers like hand puppets. opening presents with my family. crying over the acquisition of mum's 1975 edition of the joy of cooking. crying over pictures of my mother from 1965 (to be displayed prominently on this page as soon as they're scanned). stopping at the beach at night on the way back to michaels' parents to smell the sea and let the air curl our hair.

we have christmas morning: bland family edition tomorrow. his grams and auntie and cousins are coming over. i want to sit in the sand once before we go back to the rainy north. i want to eat a san diego burrito. i want to get a little sunburnt to make everybody a little jealous. i want to hug my mama real hard. i want a flattering picture of my sister and me squinting in sunlight.

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