2000-11-07 || 14:50:22

|| tuesday. ||

my head feels so spinny right now and i can only contribute it to my impromptu ban on coffee and cigarettes this morning. i feel exactly the way i did when i was six and sitting in church with my mother in the front pew and suddenly my head got spinny and i was sure it was god banishing me down to hell because i was evil. and i was so not evil. maybe i pinched my sister or something. i just remember staring at my feet in their buster brown patent leather shows and imagining the carpet dissolving and me getting sucked down into the chute that led to lava and gremlins and really hot weather.

i'm in the middle of writing my novel-in-one-month novel. actually i'm only 5,000 words into my 50,000 word goal. it makes me obsessed and gives me nightmares and i want to stay home all the time to work on it. it's coming along very nicely, i think. even though i'm a good 5,000 words behind, if my casio calculator watch serves me correct. ugh.

but i trudge on, in the name of shitty novels everywhere.

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